Authentic Living Blog

for spiritual wellness

Authentic Living Blog

for spiritual wellness

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Read the Latest Wellness Insights for Authentic Living

    How God Helped Me Go Gray: Uncovering My Crown of Glory

    Here's how going gray helped me embrace my authentic identity and grow closer to God's purpose for my life.

    (im)Patiently Waiting on God

    Waiting on God for His timing may be the most challenging thing in our faith journey, but His timing is always perfect.

    Pivot! My Journey to the New Dr. Jessica Website

    God’s timing is perfect. He orchestrates connections for His purpose, including a supernatural sequence of events that led to a new website.

    Christian Journaling: Tips for Writing

    Christian journaling prioritizes your spiritual moments and there are many ways to journal. Here are some quick tips to get you started.

    Christian Music: Finding Your Sound

    Just as our relationship with Jesus is personal, so is our worship inspiration. Here’s a quick Christian music guide for different musical tastes.

    Psalm 100: The Quick Guide for Your Faith 

    Psalm 100 is the perfect chapter, as it guides you through some key points of the Bible and is a go-to when you need inspiration.

    free ebook

    Learn to be The Authentic You

    Your value is greater than all physical assets and your purpose is beyond this world. Learn about your authentic identity, authentic value, and authentic purpose in my free ebook.

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    Here’s where you can find me:

    Connect with me to get wellness tips, inspiration, updates, and to share some fun.

    come hang out with me

    Here's where you can find me:

    Connect with me to get wellness tips, inspiration, updates, and to share some fun.

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    and I’ll Reach Out Soon!

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    Have a Question? Contact Me and I’ll Reach Out Soon!

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