How God Helped Me Go Gray: Uncovering My Crown of Glory

In my younger years, I used to get my hair colored to have fun colors like teal and magenta, but later it was mostly to cover my grays. For years, I didn’t mind the effort to color my hair. But it started to feel like a burden, especially since it was an every-4-weeks upkeep. With more plans to travel in upcoming years, this got me thinking about transitioning to my natural-colored hair, gray and all. 

I had been considering this for a few months. Researching options, looking at photos, and trying to figure it out on my own. I realized I was reverting to my old habits when I was a non-believer. Researching, reading articles, watching videos, researching more, reading more articles, watching more videos! But I never prayed to God to help me.

The best cosmetic product is God’s Glow! It makes you look 10 years
younger, takes away frown lines, and brightens your smile!

So, How Did My Gray Hair Bring Me Closer to God?

The devil is notorious for taking the Word and twisting it to false definitions or worldly interpretations. Examples include meditation, rainbows, hope, and even gray hair. It seems the world, or at least what I know in the United States, has negatively linked gray hair to things like age and beauty.

First, why is getting older a bad thing? As a Christian, I realized that getting older is a great thing because it means I am closer to enjoying eternity face-to-face with Christ Jesus in heaven.

Second, why is beauty linked to our outer appearance? Jesus sees our beauty in our hearts. We should, too.

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature,
because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the
outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
–1 Samuel 16:7 (NKJV)

If you have Jesus Christ in your heart, you will radiate beauty and youthfulness with your love and joy, regardless of your age or hair color.

Praying and Asking God for His Guidance

God wants to be in everything. Big, small, and everything in between. Once I realized I was approaching this decision in my old ways, I prayed and asked Jesus to help me. It may seem small, but Jesus is always there to guide you in every step of your life. And He wants to!

Once I prayed, I felt God’s response that He made my hair just the way it is. He wasn’t saying that I couldn’t dye my hair, just that He made it perfect for me.

The next day, I got His Word of confirmation.

The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, If it is found in the way of righteousness.
—Proverbs 16:31 (NKJV)

His answer to my prayer was loud and clear to me. I also felt God-confident with the decision to transition to my natural hair. This was more than the decision to quit dying my hair, but it was also the decision to drastically cut my hair to reveal my crown of glory.

Dr Jessica Sapp posing with a hand above her head

Letting my crown of glory shine bright!

Going gray doesn’t feel like a big decision to me because it is only hair which isn’t your authentic identity. But depending on God in all things, big or small, is significant. 

I am still learning to depend on Him, and to go to God first with everything. I am learning to renew my mind every day, and to replace my old ways with new Christ-like behaviors.

I want to continue to grow so it becomes habit for me to live like Jesus, that is, more natural for me to live righteously in Christ. We can reflect His love in all we do. I love Jesus, and I am so grateful for His perfect love!

God has wonderfully made you for His purpose (Psalm 139:13-14). Embrace all your natural beauty, inside and out!

If you want to learn more about your authentic identity, get my free ebook, below. 


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